Monday, February 9, 2009


Growing up in the West Suburbs of St. Louis, I was not always a fashion-seeking young lady. Playing sports, curly red hair, and the often dreaded braces were not the "fad" back in early 90's. After commuting to attend a wealthy all-girls college preperatory, I found my niche in picking up fashionable clothes, wearing the right matching shoes to color coordinate with my matching purse, and of course- the right hair. Transforming from Adidas to Arden B. wasn't easy on my parents, but to fit in with the girls I had to change. I remember the first time I applied make-up. I was in my friends bathroom, and I stabbed myself in the eye with this little tiny angled make-up brush that was supposed to go where? On the inside of my eye with black eyeliner? I was hooked.

Going from red-locks, I chopped my hair to a short bob, and then the color came in. I went from one day being blonder than a Hugh Hefner girlfriend, to darker than Katy Perry. I worked in hairsalon growing up, and I knew that after attending some time in college that I was destined to be a hairstylist.

I didn't limit myself to St. Louis, I took off for the Big Apple. New York led me down some great paths and I crossed ways with some phenomenal people who inspire almost ever single average woman from the age of 14-65. Attending an Aveda Cosmetology School, and working non-stop to create a career that was ever changing, I decided to take a leap of faith and walk into Bergdorf Goodmans and apply for a job in one of the most prestigious, well-known hairsalons in the world. Home to fashion gurus such as Vera Wang, Armani, and Chanel, and penthouse salon flooded with celebrities, I was given a chance by John Barrett Salon.

My time at John Barrett was amazing. I met the most wonderful, talented hairstylist ever, Janet Waddell, and she taught me more that I hope one day to share with other young aspiring stylists. I also met a young man who's career was taking off, Justin Block, who gave me the opportunity to travel with him to Rhode Island and work on a selective clientele of young, trendy moms. A bold British man, Jay Ree, also shared some of his best creative work, and love of up-dos and styles with me to only help continue my love of wanting to learn more.

After some time of working with celebrities, socialites, and wealthy women around NYC, I took a huge jump and moved to Chicago. Being here since July of 2008, I've been working hard at Aniko Salon and Spa in the South Loop which I consider privileged to have found. The staff, my co-workers, are incredible. The owners- unreal. I've never met a group of people with such different personalities, taste, and style that all contribute different, knowledgable aspects of "what its really like to be a hairstylist". My clients are one of a kind, and my gratitude for having each and everyone one of them in my life is undeniable.

I look forward to continuing to grow as a woman, hairstylist, friend, and employee here at Aniko Salon and Spa, and definitely forcasting the future looks of the women of the South Loop of Chicago.

Read on to see what is "HOT" in NYC, London, Paris, LA, and other exciting cities- and how you can bring those looks without breaking your budget here to Chicago.

Get inspired to update your look in 2009!


Stephanie Barnes
Cutting Specialist/Colorist

Aniko Salon and Spa
1109 S. Wabash
Chicago, IL 60605
(312) 431-1573